

Summary of Content Standards: English as an International Language

能力指標 1 溝通能力:能以英文進行有意義的及有效的溝通
Standard 1 Communication: Communicating in English

1.1: 能以英文進行人際溝通
1.1: Interpersonal communication
1.2: 能詮釋以英文傳達的溝通內涵
1.2: Interpretive communication
1.3: 能以適宜方式呈現以英文溝通的訊息
1.3: Presentational communication

能力指標 2 文化理解: 能以英文汲取新知或理解其他文化深度
Standard 2 Cultures: Gaining knowledge and understanding of other cultures

2.1: 能以文瞭解不同的文化傳統及文化觀點
2.1: Practices and perspectives of the other cultures
2.2: 能以英文瞭解不同的文化創作及文化內涵
2.2: Products and perspectives of the other cultures

能力指標 3 跨領域學習:能以英文學習其他專業領域的新知
Standard 3 Connections: Connecting with other disciplines and acquiring new information

3.1: 能以英文學習其他領域的專業知識
3.1: Knowledge of other academic disciplines
3.2: 能以英文汲取學術內涵
3.2: Using the English language to gain information

能力指標 4 語文素養:經由英文能力培養對文化視野
Standard 4 Comparisons: Developing Insight into the Nature of Language and Culture

4.1: 能以英文瞭解語言本質
4.1: Nature of language
4.2: 能以英文瞭解文化觀念
4.2: Concept of culture

能力指標 5 社群參與: 能以英文參與跨語言的國際社群
Standard 5 Communities: Participating in multilingual communities at home and around the world

5.1: 能在課室之外的真實情境中運用英文能力
5.1: Using the English language beyond the classroom
5.2: 能使用英文作為終身學習的主要媒介
5.2: Life-long learning through English
5.3: 能重視以英文參與國際社群經驗
5.3: Valuing the English language learning experience
